embrace the madness, find the meaning

on this page you can find the full range of my work…in the links above you are able to purchase my books, view my podcast, purchase some grungy tee-shirts created by my illustrator and acquaint yourself with my work through the poems and essays I have posted on my blog.

in a flood of booze, cigarettes and poetry I engage in the war of life, furiously attempting to explore existence in my search for meaning in a nihilistic world. I attempt to understand the pain of survival through poetic musings based on the experiences I’ve had while serving in the U.S Army, the years I spent boxing and the knowledge I have gleaned through literature and the underappreciated metaphysical trips induced by alcohol. so, grab a drink, tune out the world, watch a video, read a poem, give me a follow and join me on this trippy, existential journey.

anyway, I’ll be posting more soon…..